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Dr. Calvin Deutsch

Player Performance: Reactive agility and defending principles

06/09/2015, 7:15am CDT
By DR. CALVIN DEUTSCH for Wisconsin Soccer Central

In his latest Player Performance article, Dr. Calvin Deutsch explains how coaches can simultaneously coach good defensive technique and improve their players' basic athletic skills.

Dr. Calvin Deutsch

Player Performance: How to develop reactive agility in soccer players

04/22/2015, 12:00pm CDT
By DR. CALVIN DEUTSCH for Wisconsin Soccer Central

Real agility development for soccer includes the ball, a game situation, or at least reading another player.

Dr. Calvin Deutsch

Angling for better agility? Put away the ladders, bring out the balls

03/22/2015, 11:30am CDT
By DR. CALVIN DEUTSCH for Wisconsin Soccer Central

In his first Player Performance column for Wisconsin Soccer Central, Dr. Calvin Deutsch advises coaches to get away from agility ladders and use soccer balls to help develop agility for youth soccer players.